5 muscle...oops!is 5 Tou Lam Man BBQ day!
All smile like never happily before LOL!
Loud music ever + beers + delicious secret recipe BBQ
killed and fatten us tonite!yo!!
Welcome to paradise LOL!

cant stop shocking ash's car with their butt, okie, is very naive i get it LOL!!

bbman's Mistress


Everyone is die die because of alcohol till next day :3
well, lets guys enjoy their nite!
I went to bed and was thinking about when is my turn to make a BBQ with my crazien babies!
wish all can come!
POKER+BBQ+ALCOHOL(definitely not for me...joee/rayn/VV/Cass/yinly if u read this, it is for u lol)!
Im in love with BBB fresh air, it makes my skin looks greats and sleep calmly :)
It is so cold like u were foot in genting highland in the middle of night!
oowwhhh!wish im on bed now!